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What is it for?

Improves the aesthetics of the nose and corrects deformities


What does it mean?

Rhinoplasty is a surgical procedure that can be done only through hidden incisions inside the nostrils (closed rhinoplasty) or also using a small scar on the columella region, between the nostrils (open rhinoplasty). While a closed rhinoplasty allows an appropriate response to most cases, open rhinoplasty may emerge as the most effective and safe option in more complex situations of nasal deformity, requiring large remodelling of cartilage, or some revision surgeries.

In a rhinoplasty it must be taken into account that the final shape is based on three types of tissue with very different characteristics - soft tissue (including skin, mucosa and fat), cartilage and bone. Each of these tissues must be worked carefully and individually, in order to obtain the best result. For example, you cannot use the same aesthetic standards for women and men, or a Caucasian, Asian or African woman: each case is different. The most common goals are the reduction or increase in size, removing a hump, changing the tip shape, reducing the width of the nostrils or changing the angle between the nose and the upper lip (raising the tip). When combined with procedures that improve the internal or external nasal valve, or even the nasal septum, rhinoplasty also acquires a functional role in mitigating some breathing difficulties


Procedure time

1h30 to 2h30 depending on the complexity of the case


Other procedures that can be associated

Orthognathic surgery (performed before rhinoplasty)


Type of anaesthesia

General anaesthesia



Inconspicuous in closed rhinoplasty, small scar on the columella in open rhinoplasty



It can be performed on an outpatient basis, but usually recommended 1 day in hospital



Return to work can take place from the 2nd week. The result of a rhinoplasty cannot be estimated definitively before 6 to 9 months, although the first 3 months are of greatest change


Most frequent problems and risks

Postoperatively there is some swelling and bruising around the eyes and/or nose and eventually some temporary (small) bleeding and nasal congestion. Infection, asymmetry, unsatisfactory nasal shape and incomplete improvement are possible complications, whose frequency varies according to the disparity between the preoperative situation and the desired results



The result is permanent


From 4400€