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Price: Consult us


What is it for?

Improves the contour of the neck, reducing the amount of fat


What does it mean?

Liposuction, as the name indicates, corresponds to a surgical procedure with fat suction through the insertion of cannulas in small holes in the skin. It thus allows reducing the volume of neck fat provided that it is in a moderate amount, because the setback is the excess skin and subsequent sagging if too much fat is removed. In such cases, the association of a neck lift with additional liposuction gives a much more harmonious and balanced result


Procedure time

45 minutes


Other procedures that can be associated

Neck lift, facelift, body liposuction, fat grafting ("lipofilling")


Type of anaesthesia

General anaesthesia



Small scars concealed in areas of natural folds/wrinkles



It can be done on an outpatient basis



You can return to work in 2-3 days and resume physical activity at 4 weeks


Most frequent problems and risks

In the first days, swelling, sensitivity to touch hematoma and drainage through the holes of the cannula may occur. Sagging skin, hyper- or hypo-correction, and irregularities are the most frequent risks



Usually the effect lasts for many years