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What is it for?

Correct the excess skin, fat pads and possible loss of lower eyelid tone ("drooping of the lower eyelid")


What does it mean?

Blepharoplasty is a surgical procedure that rejuvenates the eyelids by removing lower eyelid skin and fat that are in excess and which give a tired look. It also allows correction of senile ectropion and to re-suspend the eyelid, in order to regain a more youthful appearance and also avoid excessive exposure of the conjunctiva (which may in some cases cause red eye). Put simply, the canthopexy and canthoplasty correspond respectively to the suspension of the lower eyelid by plication (ligament suture on itself) or to anchoring the ligament in a new position, usually higher and with more tension. Most times an upper blepharoplasty is performed at the same time


Procedure time



Other procedures that can be associated

Often associated with upper blepharoplasty (4-eyelid blepharoplasty), complete facelift, mini-lift, brow-lift, toxin injection, filling with fat grafting or filling with hyaluronic acid


Type of anaesthesia

Local anaesthesia with or without sedation or general anaesthesia, depending on the complexity of the case



Positioned along the skin folds of the eyelids, almost unnoticeable after 1 to 3 months



It does not require hospitalization, although it does require an accompanying person to return home due to the possible difficulty to fully open the eyes after surgery caused by swelling. More complex cases may require 1 day in hospital



You can start reading after 2-3 days. The return to daily activities can start at around 5 to 7 days, although minor bruising may sometimes persists up to 2 weeks


Most frequent problems and risks

Temporary discomfort, feeling of "tightness" in the eyelid area, swelling or bruising. Excessive tearing and sensitivity to light during the first weeks should be expected. Temporary dryness, burning or itching in the eyes may also occur but these side effects are rare. Asymmetry in eyelid opening may occur, especially in cases where there was previously asymmetry or involuntary compensation by auxiliary muscles.

More rarely, there may be blurred vision or temporary double vison, infection, bleeding, swelling at the corners of the eyelids, slight asymmetry in healing and hypertrophy, difficulty in completely closing the eyes (which is rarely permanent), and a recessed lower eyelid position (if lower blepharoplasty), which may require additional surgery. Permanent loss of vision is a risk but this is extremely rare



The improvement, though it may not be lifelong in some cases, usually lasts many years





From 2500€