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What is it for?

Also known as “Brazillian Butt Lift”, it improves the volume and contour of the face and body with fat taken from another area of the body. Can improve the quality and texture of the skin in some cases.

In the specific case of the buttocks, it re-establishes or increases its volume and projection


What does it mean?

Fat grafting, also known as fat transfer, fat injections or "lipofilling", is a surgical procedure (unlike hyaluronic acid, which is a nonsurgical procedure) that uses a patient´s own fat to fill irregularities and grooves or even increase volumes. Aesthetic indications for "lipofilling" include correcting emptiness of the face due to age, particularly the disappearance of fat from the cheeks, deep furrows from the nose to the corners of the mouth, and in some cases lines between the lower eyelids and the cheeks. It is also one of the most common methods used in lip augmentation. Furthermore, the "lipofilling" can be used to smooth the irregularities resulting from a poorly executed liposuction.

The volume enhancement of the breast or buttock (gluteal region) using the patient's own fat is one of the most requested aesthetic procedures at the moment.

The fat required for a limited liposuction is obtained through one or more incisions of 3 to 5 mm. It is normally withdrawn from the abdomen or thigh.

It has the additional advantage of actually performing a liposuction of other body areas, taking advantage of the fat removed.


Procedure time

It depends of the treated area and whether it is associated with other procedures. It can vary from 30 minutes to 2 hours


Other procedures that can be associated

Buttock augmentation, liposuction, face lift, breast reconstruction, breast augmentation


Type of anaesthesia

General anaesthesia, except for minor procedures that can be performed with local anaesthesia (with or without sedation)



Small scars of 3-5mm in fat harvesting areas, usually hidden by underwear or within less visible areas



Depends on the size of the procedure and other associated procedures, but it can be done on an outpatient basis or require 1 day of hospitalization



The swelling usually decreases from the third day, and social activities can be resumed after a week, sometimes with the help of some make-up

In the specific case of the buttocks, pressure over the treated region (including sitting and sleeping) should be avoided for 3 weeks to maximize fat viability and avoid pressure-induced deformities


Most frequent problems and risks

Asymmetry, irregularities, overcorrection and infection



Part of the grafted fat (about 50-55%) is reabsorbed over 6 to 12 months, by which time the result often becomes final and definitive. Therefore, a slight hypercorrection is made taking into account the subsequent loss. The great advantage of fat as compared to fillers with hyaluronic acid is the available volume and durability. Large variations in weight can, however, change the volume of the fat, as it does with the remaining body fat