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What is it for?

Improves or corrects the results or complications of previous breast augmentation surgery


What does it mean?

The most common reasons for seeking revision of breast augmentation/implant surgery are deflation, implant replacement (size or shape), capsular contracture, implant malpositioning, "double-bubble" deformity, or a combination of these issues. When a breast implant is inserted it forms scar tissue around it, as part of the natural healing process, the so-called capsule. The capsule can sometimes thicken and tighten and compress the implant creating a distorted breast shape. The purpose of revision surgery is to help restore a more youthful contour and attractive appearance. For this, it may be necessary to use the same surgical technique or a different technique, including breast lift techniques (mastopexy)

The breast implants that are used today have a better safety and resistance profile than before, and some brands even provide a guarantee against rupture for a few years. If you have had breast implants for 10-15 years, those kinds of implants may not have the same characteristics as the ones we are using now and may possibly merit a consultation. Currently, if there is no complication, there is no indication for revision of modern prostheses as routine, there must be something that justifies surgery, either rupture or any other complication, such as capsular contracture, asymmetry or ptosis (breast drooping)


Procedure time

1h to 2h


Other procedures that can be associated

Fat grafting, liposuction, abdominoplasty, thigh lift


Type of anaesthesia

General anaesthesia



The pre-existing scar can usually be used, but sometimes there is a need to enlarge it in order to obtain the best possible results



Depending on the cases, on an outpatient basis or with 1 day in hospital



Recovery depends on the type of surgery performed. But usually you can return to work in 5-7 days provided that it does not require exertion. We recommend that the complete elevation of the arms start only during the second week. Sports can be resumed after 6 weeks. You should also use a compressive bra (recommended by our team) for 6 weeks. After a few months, the scars usually acquire a tone similar to the surrounding skin, becoming less conspicuous


Most frequent problems and risks

Initially there may be an easily tolerable discomfort (manageable with painkillers), mild swelling, a change in sensitivity of the nipple (increased or decreased). The breasts may be sensitive to stimulation for a few weeks. Over time, loss of elasticity of the tissues, physical trauma/injury, pregnancy or weight changes can alter the shape of the breast and may require revision surgery in the future. Either one or both breast implants may also need to be removed and/or replaced to treat problems such as bleeding, infection, rupture of the implant or the formation of scar tissue around the implant - capsular contracture, which can cause the sensation of tightness or stiffness in the breast. Other risks are increased or decreased sensitivity of nipples or breast skin, which may occasionally be permanent. The patient should be aware that the fact that she underwent revision surgery implies that she is statistically at a greater risk of new complications when compared to other patients who never needed revision, since there may be biological factors that increase this propensity , such as the formation of capsular contracture or the poor elasticity of tissues



The results persist for many years, and there may be variables (loss of elasticity of tissues with age, trauma, changes in weight or pregnancies) that condition the result